Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ann Padgett Advises James to Attend the Universalist Church as They Don't Worship Jesus

December 5, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Mother.

My boy I am so glad to write you again. It seems so long since I wrote to you. I love you so much and feel that I must tell you.

Go to the Universalist Church as Helen told you. It is the best one now in existence because it believes more in God's Love without having to worship Jesus. As you say, the Christian Scientists are good people but their position on spiritualism is all wrong and Mrs. Eddy now sees her error and wishes that she could undo it. She is in the same sphere with me but she does not enjoy so much of God's Love as I do, and I talk to her sometimes and she tells me that she is very sorry that she made the mistake of teaching that spirits could not communicate with mortals. She is a very bright spirit but does not know all that she thought she knew when on earth.

She may, I do not know, but I will ask her. Yes, I will pray for you my dear boy with all my heart.

So goodnight, your Mother

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ann Rollins Encourages James to Trust in God and Not Worry About Material Things

December 5, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Grandmother.

You must not be so despondent. Pray to God and He will bless you. Try not to let the things of the material kind keep you from loving God. You are not doing right by thinking so much of the troubles of earth life. Trust in God. He will take care of you and you will not be left alone to worry over those things which will soon pass by. Give more of your thoughts to God and believe more in His love and care, and He will help you more than you can comprehend.

Yes, even as to them. He is not so weak that His Love cannot help you in those things. Be true to Him and yourself and you will not want for anything that is for your good. I know for my experience in life has proved to me that I am speaking the truth.

Yes, I am with her very often. She is a good girl and has much of God's Love in her heart. She is trying to learn the true way to His Love, and she will become a very spiritual woman as she grows older. Yes, I will and she will love you too, for you seem to her now as both father and mother. Yes, you will for I will try to help you to the fullest of my power, only believe and she will stay at school, and come home to you in the summer and feel that you have been her true and loving father, as you are.

You must believe that we communicate with you and when you do so without doubt, then I do not think that you should go to the seances. They are generally of such a mixed condition that you are not helped by what you come in contact with.

Yes, I would advise you to go there, while they are not what I consider spiritual people, yet, the spirits who attend their meetings are of a very good kind and will benefit you in the matter of your belief.

Yes, I do, and your wife and guide, White Eagle, and your father will be able to talk to you soon. Bright Star will be a great help. She is a very spiritual person and loves God, as I know. But she is not yet entirely in the blessings of His full Love, but she is trying to obtain it very hard. Yes, she is, though many Indians are very spiritual. White Eagle is a very spiritual man and lives in the fourth plane. He is a strong spirit and seems to think a great deal of you. He will protect you in all emergencies and you can rely on him. He has never been the guide of anyone before and has not tried to learn English as he says, but he will soon learn as he is now making the effort. Only you must not let him write to you too often for he is not of the writing band.

Yes, it would. He is a powerful guide in certain ways, but he is not one who can help so much in spiritual matters. While he is good himself yet he cannot instruct you in those things that you need to learn at this time.

They are not so spiritual but their knowledge of certain other things in the spiritual world will be beneficial to you. You must not confine your investigations to purely spiritual things, for while they are the things absolutely necessary yet there are other things that you should learn, and we formed our band of such persons as we thought would serve the purpose that we had in view.

I doubt that he can cause the truth to grow but you can try him. I don't know just what power he has with reference to physical things. I believe that he can help your eyesight and liver. So let him try to do what he says. He is honest in his belief and he may succeed.

Goodnight my own dear boy.

Your loving Grandmother

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Helen Tells James (Ned) to Love and Trust Her More

December 5, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Helen.

You are not doing the right thing by not loving me as you did. Try to think of me more in the way that you did when you were in your last meeting at the Colburns. The way for you to love me is to let your heart believe that I am with you and love you with all my heart.

You should try to throw off the feeling that you speak of. Do not be so despondent as everything will come right as I told you. Be more hopeful and you will feel better.

I will help you if you will only trust me as I have told you for I know that you will be able to do what you want to in reference to Nita. You will sell the apartment in time or I would not say so. Yes, I am and, if you do, you must promise to never doubt again. So you see that I am willing to risk a great deal on my prophecy. Be true to me and you will succeed.

Yes, it was and I know what you have in mind. I thought of you then and of the influences that were surrounding you. The woman was influencing you in the way that you think, but you must not grieve about it, but try to turn your thoughts to me and my love.

The conditions were not good because the young medium was not surrounded by the spirits that could help in producing the results that you are seeking. She has too many spirits that are merely of the earth plane and whose thoughts were of the kind that will not help you very much. Do not sit again with her or with the other woman for they only retard the success of your efforts.

She saw some things, but not all that she spoke of - the baby was all right and so were the hearts in the woman, but the comment on Mr. Colburn's front or the newspapers on your lap were not there. She only imagined them. Yes, she saw the pirate for he was there and the room was full of Indians, but they were not of the kind that I admire. Mr. Colburn's Indians were not there in any number. Some were Swanee and Wolf and Rolling Cloud and another whom I don't know. Bright Star was not there nor was the guide of Miss Colburn. Your guide, White Eagle, was and he was not in good humor because of the great number of spirits. He wanted to talk but he did not try, neither did any of us.

Yes, that was the result of an effort on the part of some spirits trying to make themselves felt by you. They were not any that we desire to have present.

Yes, your father was, but not your mother or grandmother. They would not attend, as they said that the conditions were not such as they desired to have when they attended. No, they were not either.

I was not at Mrs. Ripple's, but I believe that your father went there. He said that he was going as you were there and he desired to send you a message, so that you might know that he desired to speak to you. He is not here now and I don't know what he said.

Yes, I can. He is here now, and says that he wanted to send you word that your Uncle William wished to be remembered to you. He is here also and says that he wants you to pray for him and think kindly of him when you try to write as he needs your help so much. Yes, he says, but he wants you to think more of him and he will progress much faster. He says that Fred is with him in the spirit world and that his mind is improving very much, that he was not of such a mind on earth that he was able to commit any very great sin and, consequently, that his progress here is much faster because of that fact, and that he is as a child and needs only enlightenment to learn the way to God's Love. He is a bright spirit, but is not so well informed as he will be soon.

You have me. Only believe I am yours now and always will be, my own darling Ned.

You will be more satisfied with Takoma Park after you get rid of your troubles and get the money that you need. I don't think that you would like California after you should get there for it is not so desirable a place as you may imagine for the purposes that you have in mind and for which you have been selected. It is not a good country for the development of spiritual things. You had best be contented with the place we have selected for you.

No, I don't. It is too much given to the old way of thinking about the religions that have been taught so long. The people are conservative and would not easily be brought to see the real and new truths that you are to teach to the world, so let your mind be fixed on the Park. Besides it will be best for Nita and her ambition. She will have much better opportunities in Washington then elsewhere. Because you are not satisfied with your present condition, let the matter rest until you are in position to choose, and then you will not be so unsettled as you will see that the plans we mention are the best. Yes, I know, but they will be more likely to be with you in the Park than in California or elsewhere.

Let your mind rest on that point. We are not witches but your own dear departed loves. We do not think that that church will be the one for you to join, but if you must associate with some church join the Universalist, as that is the one that is more in accord with the truths as you will be taught. No, it does not. It merely believes that he is the son of God as I am informed.

The Unitarian Church is not very spiritual because the people do not give much of their thoughts to the things of the spirit. They depend too much on their ideas of morality and the teaching that God is a being that will not let anyone be punished for sins that he did not think were contrary to his ideas of right or wrong. They have no knowledge of the Holy Spirit's mission or that God is a God of Love and ready to flow into men's souls whenever men call upon Him. Yes, they do, but they do not really understand the full meaning of His Love as you do; but I think that you could associate with them to advantage to your spiritual being. I mean that their ideas that God is Love and is the only one that can help mankind to become spiritual and at-one with Him. They are not right, though, in all their teachings, for they would deprive mankind of one of the greatest consolations that they can have while on earth, that is, the communication with their departed friends. They are very good in other particulars, but they would not suit you on the question of spiritualism.

Yes, I know and I am glad of it. It will help her (Nita) to learn of God's Love and she will be much benefited by it; and when the time comes she can easily believe that her mother comes to her.

You will not be benefited very much by attending the seances of the mediums, who hold seances for pay, as they have all kind of spirits come to them; but I think that your sitting with the Colburns will help you as they are good people and have spirits of a more exalted condition come to them; and the help that you may get from these spirits will soon enable you to get the voices.

Yes, sometimes but not often. Mr. Colburn's grandmother is a spirit of spiritual excellence and so is his mother to some extent, but they have not the full realization of God's Love, but they are helpful.

Yes, they are very bright spirits, but they don't come to him any more. They are in the higher spheres and do not come to the earth plane very often, as I am told their loved ones are not on earth and they are not attracted to the earth plane very much. They know what God's Love is, too, but they are not so far advanced as your grandmother or mother. I have heard them talk and know what they say.

Yes, we do, only once more, for I want you to see me as I promised you should.

Yes, I do, and I will write you very often and so will the rest of us. You need not go to the seances if you will only believe that we write you and are with you as we say.

I will try and so will the others, but I cannot tell whether we will be successful or not. But we will try very hard. Yes, she will and she says that she will try to speak as she promised you. Yes, and says that your friend was at the seance last night and that your father spoke to him and sent a message to you. She says that you are too mean not to visit her as she wishes to talk to you. She says that you were not in condition to talk because you were only trying to see if she would tell you that she understood what you wanted her to say so that you might know that she had written to you. She says that when you believe that she comes to you and writes sometimes, she will not speak to you at Mr. Ripple's. She says that you are her brother and that she loves you, but that you must not think that she will do what you may desire, if it is not for the best.

She says that she was not impatient but that the French woman tried to monopolize too much of the time with her inquiries about her business affairs. She does not deserve another husband. She says that the spirits spoke French and that Mr. Ripple did not speak at all. She is an honest medium and does not try to deceive the people. She says that she is not in love with Mr. Ripple but that she is the one that she must help, and that in doing her duty she tries to like Mr. R. as much as possible. She does not feel attracted to her in a spiritual way.

Yes, to you and to Mr. Colburn and to Mrs. Colburn, but to scarcely any others.

She says that he is a very good man but is not yet spiritually enlightened and sees only the moral things. She is not in rapport with him as with you and the Colburns.

She says that she is willing that you do that as she feels that you will be much better satisfied, and that the conditions will be much better if you do so. She will try very hard to let you hear her very soon. She says that she will be glad to tell you of those things, and to do so whenever you feel that you desire to have her write. She says that she will pray for you and try to help you in every way in her power. She says goodnight.

He says that he has not get learned to write but will try to learn. That he made the pictures for you so that you might know that he was present. He was an artist when on earth. He says that you may depend on him.

Yes, I am so I will stop. Goodnight and may God bless you and love you as I do, my own darling husband.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Helen Arrives in the Third Sphere, Describes Her Home and Surroundings, and Discusses the Importance of Receiving God's Divine Love

November 30, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Helen.

I am very happy for I have so much Love of God in my heart that I cannot think of any thing that tends to make me unhappy.

Yes, my home is very beautiful and I am perfectly delighted with it. It is made of white marble and is surrounded by lawns and flowers and trees of various kinds. The grass is so very green and the flowers are so beautiful and variegated. The trees are always in foliage and have such beautiful limbs and leaves. I am most pleased with my home, I mean the building. There are many beautiful pictures on the walls, and the walls are all frescoed and hung with fine coverings, and the floors are inlaid with beautiful mosaics. I have all the splendid furniture that I could possibly wish for, and my library is full of books of all kinds, especially of those that tell of God and His Love for man. You would be in your element if you could be with me.

I have music, such as you never heard on earth, and instruments of various kinds which I am learning to play, and I sing with all my heart and soul as the days go by. I have beds on which I lie down, but I never sleep. We do not need sleep here. We only rest, for sometimes we get tired from our work and are greatly refreshed by lying on the beds and couches which are so comfortable that we do not realize that we are tired after lying down a little while.

Yes I do, and when I sing I think of you and wish that you could hear me as you did when I was with you in the body. I like "The Song that Reached my Heart" it seems to bring me more in rapport with you than any of the others, although "Sing Me to Sleep" is one that I enjoy to sing very much.

Yes, we eat fruit and nuts, but do not do so because we are hungry, but more because we enjoy the flavors so much. And we drink water, pure and sweet, as it makes us feel so refreshed when we are a little tired. No, our fruit is not of the earthly kind - it is so much more delightful that I am unable to describe it to you. And the nuts are different, also. Yes, the water is purer than what you have and is more refreshing.

No, our instruments are not like those on earth. They are not stringed instruments, but are played by our thoughts of goodness and love. We do not use fingers or lungs, but merely thoughts, and if they are pure and loving, our music is very beautiful and not discordant.

Yes, I am, when you are asleep or doing something in the line of your work - then you do not need me and I am free to leave you. You must not think that I am not free to leave you when I am with you, for I am, and I come to you of my own free will. But love compels, and in that particular, I am not free and don't want to be. Your love to me is the greatest thing, except God's Love, in all the world, and without it I would be very unhappy. You do not know how very necessary your loving me is to my happiness, and you must never cease to love me, for if you do not I will not enjoy my home or the spirit world so much. Yes, I know, but I sometimes fear that you may forget to think of me as I want you to.

Yes, it is permanent, and the house and trees and flowers are more real to me than were ever the houses and trees and flowers on earth. They are not shadowy as you may think, but are so very substantial that they never decay or grow old.

Yes, I have one selected for you now, and will make it so beautiful that you will wonder how it was possible for me to do so. There will be so much love in it that there will be no room for anything that is not in harmony with my love, and you will realize that your own Helen loves you with all the love that a soul can have for its mate.

Yes, we will be together in every way and separated only while we are doing some of God's work. You will be with me in all my thoughts and I will be with you in your thoughts. Love will keep us through all eternity.

Yes, we will love our parents and children just as much as on earth, but they will not need our love so much, as they will have their own soulmates to love them. We will visit them and be visited by them, and enjoy their society even more than when on earth. They will love us very much, but the love that makes two souls one will exist only for the soulmates. God's Love will not interfere with that - I mean our love for God. It is of a kind that is different from our love for each other and is of a more spiritual and Holy nature.

I am so very much pleased to see that you are getting more of His Love in your heart each day, and soon you will do the work that the Master has laid out for you to do.

Yes, I am going to try to progress into the higher planes and hope to do so as rapidly as is possible, but you may rest assured that no matter what plane I may be in, my love for you will not lessen, and I will not cease to be with you as I now am. The life in the higher spheres without you would not be complete. You are necessary to my complete happiness. God has decreed that two soulmates are intended to make one complete whole, and they must, in order to be wholly happy and to fulfill the laws of His Love, live together forever as one.

Yes, I know, because I have asked your grandmother and she has told me. You can progress on earth just as rapidly as I can here, if you will let God's Love come into your heart as fully and as abundantly as I do, and you can if you will only pray to the Father. He does not require the child of His care to be in the spirit world in order to develop his soul. You have the same soul now that you will have when you come here, and if you let God fill it with His Love while you are on earth, why should it not progress as much as it does here?

God does not intend to wait until you come over here that He may give you the full enjoyment of His Holy Spirit - it all depends upon you. If you truly and sincerely seek His Love, you will get it on earth just as easily as you can get it after you have shunned off the body. The Love of God coming into the soul of a man does not depend upon whether he is in the flesh or in the spirit. All souls must answer for the sins done in the body, but it is not necessary that such penalties be paid in the spirit world - you can pay the penalty while on earth. As you sow so shall you reap, but the reaping is not necessarily here.

If you seek earnestly for God's grace and Love you can obtain them on earth, and I am informed that when they are obtained on earth, greater will be the progress of the spirit when it comes over. So let me pray you to seek these blessings while you are in your present life, and not wait for them to be given to you after you have entered the spirit world.

Your grandmother says that she had that experience, and when she came here, she entered the Third Heaven without going through a period of expiation or purification in the lower spheres. She is a wonderfully bright and pure spirit and is very close to God and has so much of His Love in her soul that her countenance really seems an illuminated face. She is in a condition of almost perfect Love and peace, though she says that she is striving for a higher plane and a closer at-onement with her Heavenly Father. She is the one who can help you in your spiritual progress more than all others, except Jesus, who is the grandest and most glorious spirit in all the Heavens.

Let your thoughts be of a pure and holy kind, and you will soon realize that God's Love is in your soul to a degree that will make you feel that He is your own near and dear Father. Do not doubt His Love, or that He can come to you through the Holy Spirit, for that is His messenger of Love, and it will never refuse to come into a man's heart and soul, where the desire exists to have it come, by earnest sincere prayer for its inflowing.

Be true to yourself, as I have told you, and you will soon be in God's Love and favor. Do not let worries or disappointments keep you from seeking His Love and believing that He is waiting to enfold you in His arms of mercy and Love, for He is not only waiting but wants you to call on Him. Do not let the thought that He is afar up in the Heavens cause you to think that He is not always near you anxiously waiting your call.

He is not willing that one of His children should perish and, when they go astray, His great Heart of Love yearns for them to return and partake of His bounties and blessings. You must try with all your heart to realize this truth, for it is a truth, and is the greatest truth taught us by Jesus, who is the greatest of all teachers. Make your daily life one of prayer and aspirations, and you will see that what I have told you is not only true, but you can make it a part of yourself. You have only to let your desires turn towards God, and He will meet you more than half way, for He never sleeps or closes His ear to the supplications of His children and, those who have sought Him with an earnest and repentant wish and longing desire of the soul know that He has always responded to their call.

You are now in the way to obtain these blessings, and I pray that you may continue, for you cannot find true happiness in any other way. This is what Jesus meant when he said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." He knew that there was only one way to obtain the Father's Love, and that is through the New Birth, which is merely the flowing into the soul of man the Love of God to the extent of eradicating all desires and tastes for things which are not in harmony with God's laws and Love.

You must give your thoughts more to this vital consideration of the economy of God's being.

It is not a question of what church you belong to, or what particular faith you may have, or who your preacher may be, or to what duties you owe to the church, or to the ceremony of baptism according to the church's dogmas, but whether you have sought God in spirit and in truth, and have received His favor and Love.

This is an individual matter, and no man can be saved by the sufferings or progress of another. Each soul is a complete unit, when joined with its mate, and the spiritual condition of each soul towards God determines what its place and happiness will be in the spirit world. So do not let the thought that it is necessary to believe in a special church dogma or any ceremony, keep you from seeking the New Birth. This is the fundamental principle that operates in the atonement of man with God, and all other doctrines are merely secondary, and need to be believed only as they may lead to a belief in this foundation.

I am writing at the dictation of your grandmother, for she knows, and I, of course, would not be able to write in this way of my own thoughts and experience.

She says that you must try to get in condition so that the Master may write and that which he shall say will show to mankind the everlasting truths of God's kingdom and laws, and that she is a mere tyro in the knowledge and ability to explain God's truths that Jesus will teach you. So try to become more spiritual, so that you may learn the wonderful teachings of God's Love and truth that he will give you.

You must stop writing now as you are tired and so am I.

So love your own true Helen and pray to God for Love and spiritual enlightenment.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Helen Receives God's Divine Love and is Progressing to the Third Sphere

November 16, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Helen.

I am very happy.

Yes, I am and I feel that God is filling my soul with His Love. I believe that He is my Father and that I am His child. He is very near me and the Holy Spirit is coming into my soul more and more. I have commenced to have more faith in His Love and Grace, and I believe that He is waiting to fill my soul with His Love as you have told me. I am so happy that I can realize that He is my own true Father of Love. He is with me so very much now, that I know that I have been Born Again, as your grandmother has told me I would be if I would only believe and let His Holy Spirit enter into my soul.

I will soon be in the Third Sphere that I told you about, and will then be so very happy. I will come to you just as soon as I realize the change in my condition and tell you of the glories that your mother tells me will be mine. So do not worry more about me as you have done and pray for my salvation. I am soon to be in my new home and then you will know that I am a spirit redeemed.

Yes, it will and you will be so very happy also. Let us both thank God for His Goodness and Love. Let us try to progress more and more until we join each other in this world of light and happiness.

Yes, it has more love for you than ever before and when you commence to really learn what the true meaning of God's Love is you will see that all our past happiness and love are merely shadows of what the real love and happiness is that we may enjoy when the Holy Spirit takes full possession of our souls and makes us feel that the Father's Love and Care are only the one thing necessary for our true happiness and love.

Yes, I will just as soon as I reach that home.

Yes, they all rejoice that I have at last found God and have His Love to that extent that makes my soul free from sin and error.

Yes, and so could I, but I must not write much tonight as you are tired and sleepy.

Goodnight, my own true love, Helen

Monday, March 26, 2012

Thomas Padgett, James' Grand Uncle, who resides in the Fourth Sphere, Writes a Greeting

November 14, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Thomas Padgett.

I am Thomas Padgett. I am your father's uncle. I lived in St. Mary's County, Maryland, and passed over in 1831 at the county seat, Leonardstown. I was not a very good man when I passed over, but I am now in the Fourth Sphere and am progressing very rapidly.

I was his brother. He is here and is very happy. He is in a condition of love with his wife that makes them perfectly happy and contented.

Yes, I have and often talk to him about you and your gift of writing. You must believe that the spirits write to you, for I assure you that they do. You must not let any seeming inconsistencies cause you to lose faith in the power of communicating, or you will lose the greatest consolation that you can ever obtain. Be a true medium and you will not only become much happier yourself, but will help to make others happy.

Let me come to you occasionally and write and I will help you in your investigation.

Your Grand Uncle, Thomas Padgett

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ann Rollins Tells James to No Longer Worship Jesus as God but to Seek the Holy Spirit for God's Divine Love

November 11, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Grandmother.

Yes, I am here and I wish to tell you that you must not let what I said to you last night discourage you for I was only trying to let you know that you must not forget to pray to God for His Blessing. You were not in a condition to fully understand what I wrote. You were only in a condition of doubt as to what it was that you should do in order to feel the influence of my meaning.

Yes, it is, and you must not so worship him. They were not only wrong in that particular, but they did not understand that Jesus does not want to be worshiped in that way. They may follow him in his teachings and assemble but must worship only God. You can help them to see the Truth and you should try to do so.

Yes, I know, but nevertheless you should make an effort for they must learn that Jesus is only a son of God and is not the God or any part of Him. He is the one for them to seek and ask his aid in order to learn the truth. Yes, I know, but they will have to learn sooner or later that the Holy Spirit is of God and not a medium of Jesus to bring about their New Birth and entrance into God's Kingdom. He is the one that confers the blessings of the Spirit and they will realize it when they receive the Spirit's inflow of Love and Grace.

Yes, many have and their influence is good and helpful. Their spirit friends are with them to realize that God's love and truth. Yes, sometimes, but they do not enjoy being there and, consequently, do not remain very long or take any part in the séances.

He is not present at the various meetings that are held in the several churches over the whole country, but his truths are there in the character of spirits who are ordained to do the work of teaching the truths which he taught and which are the truths of God.

The Holy Spirit is the one that can cause the inflowing of God's Love and it is present in all meetings as it is without form or personality, It is the messenger of God and it can be in all places at the same time so that the penitent, no matter how far apart, can receive its influence and feel its saving grace and love. It is not necessary for it to use other spirits to carry its love and influence. It, of itself, is able and all comprehending enough to influence the persons who seek for its inflowing.

So do not think that you have to have Jesus present in order to obtain the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He meant that where they are gathered together for the purpose of seeking the Love of God he would be able to help them feel the influence of the Holy Spirit. He would not have to be present himself for that purpose, but he would be represented by the Holy Spirit. No, he cannot, for he is a person and has all the limitations that belong to the individual.

Jesus is not a spirit in the sense that God is a spirit. He is only an individualized spirit as you are. He is only a spirit of such wonderful development that he can control all the spirits of his own manner of thinking and who have been Born Again into God's Kingdom so that he can have them do his work just as he teaches them to do.

Yes, he can direct the Holy Spirit in the sense that, when the penitent prays for help, the Holy Spirit will respond and fulfill the work that the Father has provided it to do.

Jesus is the only true exponent of his Father's Truths and he alone through his teachings can cause the Holy Spirit to enter the hearts and souls of mankind. No, it is not, for the Father has given him the power to control all the spirits that are of the Father's Kingdom of Truth and Love.

Christ is not only a spirit of the Father, but is the one that God gave to Jesus when he anointed him on his earthly mission. He is the one spirit that cannot be made to do anything that is contrary to God's Love and Law. No, not in addition to the spirit that Jesus had, but the spirit that God gave to Jesus at the time of the anointing.

The spirit that Jesus had before that time became one and the same with the Christ Spirit. They are now one. Jesus is not a man as is taught by some writers, but is the Christ of God - a spirit that is full of God's truths. He is the great dispenser of truths and he cannot lie or do anything but what the Father has given him to do.

Yes, Jesus the Spirit is only a Spirit as you have a spirit, but Jesus the Christ is a Spirit that is without form or limitations. So that the Holy Spirit can be everywhere at the same time. Yes, he meant that he as the Christ would be with all peoples whenever they might be gathered together seeking his help and teachings. Believe as Jesus the mere spirit, he did not mean that he would be with them.

So you may believe that he is with you always in the sense that he is your Christ. This Jesus, the teacher of truth and not the Christ, the latter is with you and every one else at all times. Only the penitent must ask that he lets them feel his influence and teach them the Truth of God and the fact that the Holy Spirit is waiting to enter into their hearts and fill them with the Divine Love.

Go to the church where you were last night, as you will be much more benefited than you will be by attending the other church. You will be under the influence of more spirits who have received the New Birth.

No, not in the sense that the Holy Spirit is in their hearts. They are only letting their minds become confused with the idea that Jesus' blood or crucifixion saves them - when the fact is the blood of Jesus or the crucifixion is not necessary as a matter of belief to the salvation. The only thing that saves them from their sins and reconciles them to God is that they must become conscientious of God's Truths and receive the Holy Spirit into their souls. No vicarious suffering on the part of Jesus is necessary to save them. He never taught the erroneous doctrine and it is not doing good being taught by the preachers who claim to represent his cause.

No, only in the sense that those things call the attention of mankind to Jesus and his mission on earth as between God and man, not blood of Jesus or because suffering can appease God or save man. God is a God of Love and does not have any wrath to be appeased. He is only too glad to have his children come to Him and be at-one with Him. He is not waiting to punish them or have the men suffer because of any wrath that He may have towards them. They suffer only because they have violated His laws and they must do that which will remove the causes of the violations of these laws.

Man is not the object of God's anger, but is the dear children of His love. He is not pleased when they do wrong or when they do not obey His precepts. Let not the idea that God delights in the punishment of the wicked make you think that God wants any one of His children to suffer.

He is only too ready to save and have the sinner come to His Love and Care. He is the one Perfect Love that exists.

You must stop writing now as you won't go to your dinner.

Your loving Grandmother

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ann Rollins' Message (through Helen) That James Needs to Think of God and Pray to Him for His Love

November 8, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Helen.

Yes I was, and you were benefited by the services, although you did not enjoy the full blessings of the fact that Jesus writes through you. You should not let that thought enter into your workshop as it is only one of the blessings that you can enjoy if you will try.

You did not pray to God as you should have done. He was the one that you should have thought of more.

Yes, I know, but they were only trying to feel the presence of God and the Holy Spirit. You did not get the full benefit of the service. Yes, that is so, but you must not let that idea prevent you from worshiping God, as He does not want anyone to worship Him in any other way than in Spirit and in Truth.

I am your grandmother who is dictating this message to Helen, because she does not understand yet the fullness of God's Love, and I am trying to let you know that you must worship God only and let your heart go out to Him in thankfulness and love.

Jesus, of course, is the one for you to keep in holy rapport with. So do not let the thought that he is not a God prevent you from loving and serving him. You must not think of him as your saviour from sin and error, but merely as one who is interested in you and wants to write through you, and this will help you to progress.

His blood does not save you, nor does his death, but his love and teachings do save you from sin and death. He is not going to let you feel that he is not your friend, unless you turn away from him to get the love of earth by things and pleasures.

Yes, but you were not praying to the Father as you should have done. Do not let the thought that you are going to write for him keep you from praying to the Father or you will not advance in your spiritual life. You are not in condition to write more tonight or I would write fully on just what you should know and will do so later. You will soon know just what I mean.

Go to bed and rest.

Goodnight, your Grandmother

Helen, goodnight, with all my love.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Helen Advises James ("Ned") to Pray to Receive the Gift of Spirit and Encourages Him With Love

November 3, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Helen.

You are too nervous to write. You must go to bed early and rest. You are my darling Ned, and I love you with all my heart, so do not think that you are not loved by me and your father and mother and grandmother. We all love you.

Yes, I have. And he says that he is waiting for you to get in condition to write. He will write to you as he said and you must soon get in condition. You will get it by prayer as I am told by your grandmother, who is here. She says that you must believe more thoroughly in the promises of the Master and you will receive the gift of the Spirit. She says that you are too much taken up with your business matters to let the Spirit enter into your soul in all its truth and love. She says that you must not let the thoughts of what you shall do in the future keep you from praying to God and loving Him as you will be taken care of.

She says that Jesus is the one for you to believe in and love as he will be your friend and will help you to progress in your spiritual life, as well as in your temporal life. He is the one who can help you more than anyone else.

She says that the Christian Scientists Church is the one that will help you most as the people who attend there are more in accord with the teachings of Christ than are the Spiritualists of the church of Mrs. Kates. And she further says that the Spiritualists are not teaching the true religion of the Master and that is the only one that will lead to God. They are merely showing the possibility of communicating between the dead and the living, which is desirable so far as it goes, but which does not save men from their sins or bring them at-one with God. So I would not attend there very often, but rather go to some church that teaches that Jesus is the saviour of men from their sins. Go to the Methodist, or Congregational or Universalist church. Each of them will help you to progress in your spiritual development.

Yes, he is all wrong and you will not be benefited by him. He is not in the true way of light. He is too imaginative and visionary. He does not see the things that he preaches and he is not doing any good to himself or to others. Go to the Lord and He will lead you aright. I mean the Father whom Jesus taught about, and that He will help you to see the Truth and the things that are necessary for your salvation. Yes, you should, as they are the mediums by which God lets His Love and Favor come to man. They are the only true instrumentalities of the Father, which He uses to show the way to salvation and to confer His Love and Grace on man.

Yes, you do. Only believe more and you will soon receive the gift of the spirit in all its fullness. Yes, you will and so will those that you come in contact with. Give the Lord your whole heart and soul and you will soon realize the difference in your life. Yes, she does and is with you often and prays God to bless you.

She says that she is willing for once to attend such a séance, but that it is not beneficial as a general thing, as it does not help the spiritual development of the person, but only convinces the man that the spirit is a living being and can come back to earth and show himself in a form that may be realized.

The writing phase is the most satisfactory as you can preserve what is said and can commune in a more extended and enlightening manner.

She is talking through her own mind. No spirit talks through her. She sees the forms and scenes which she describes and she hears the voices of spirits talking to her and she merely repeats what she hears... she merely repeats the language that she hears.

You will be a strong medium of communicating by the pencil. You will not be a clairvoyant as that is a phase that is not intended for you to possess. Yes, and you will not only be able to write for us, but for Jesus, as he desires. You will become a true follower of him, and then you will be able to write with much facility and success. He will tell you when he writes. I do not know what he will write, for he has only told me that he will write on the Truths that the Bible does not contain or rather that he will correct certain passages contained in the Bible.

Yes, you must love me as I love you and then you will be happy. Yes, and you must believe that I am. Yes, I am and will soon be in the Third Heaven, and I will then be so much happier. Yes, it is, and that is what I want you to do.

Goodnight my own love, Helen

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jesus Advises James that he is the Messenger that Jesus Shall Use to Carry His Gospel to Mankind

October 5, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Jesus.

You must not be too anxious for me to explain all the mysteries of God's creation. I must not teach you all of them now, but will later, when you have become purified and are at-one with Him.

You are the messenger that I shall use to carry my gospel to mankind and I will teach you those truths which you cannot now understand. I will explain all the qualities of the soul and spirit so that mankind need no longer remain in darkness as to what my teachings mean and as to how very necessary it is that they shall understand and follow my teachings.

Do not be over anxious at this time to know the mysteries of preexistent of the difference between the soul and the spirit. You shall know in the future and you will then be able to receive the truths of God in their respects to your fellow man.

Go to the Lord in prayer and he will remove from your soul all that tends to defile it and make it an alien from Him.

He is the one that will clean it from all sin and error. Do not believe all that you read tonight in the books that you are reading at the library. Some statements were true and some were not. Only the teachings that I shall give you will tell the wishes of my Father.

Let not your heart be troubled or cast down for I am with you always and I will help you in every time of need. Only believe that I am the Jesus of the Scriptures and you will not be long out of the Kingdom.

You are my chosen one on earth to proclaim my glad tidings of life and love. Be true to yourself and to your God and He will bless you abundantly.

Keep His commandments and you will be very happy and will soon receive the contentment that He gives His true children. Go to Him in all your troubles and you will find rest and peace.

Yes, in a very short time you will be free to devote your whole attention to my objects and to your work. You will soon be in a condition to let the things of this world alone as I need you for my service. Let me tell you that you will get your home as you desire and have your surroundings all harmonious for receiving my messages. And you will be with your daughter to keep you happy and free from care.

Let me bless you and leave you now for you are too nervous to write more at this time.

With all my love and my blessings and those of the Holy Spirit.


Confirmation by James' Mother that Jesus Told Him the Way to Salvation

October 5, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

Oh, my dear son, the Master has told you the way to salvation. Only believe.

I am your loving Mother

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jesus tells James to give his best efforts to spread the Truths that he will teach to him

September 29, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

Christ Jesus is here and wishes to write to you about the Love of God and the needs of mankind.

Let your mind be free from all thoughts of evil and sin. The Love of God is reaching out for every man so that the meanest will be the object of His care. Do not let the thought that He is only loving the good and righteous lead you to think that you must seek the company of these favored ones only. Let the lost and unhappy be the objects of your efforts to show them the way to the Father.

You will have an opportunity, in receiving our messages, to teach all mankind about the Love of God for His children that they are the children of His greatest Care and Love. Be only earnest in your efforts to spread the truths which I shall teach you in my communications, and you will be a successful laborer in the work which the Father has decreed that you shall do. Give your best endeavors to the spreading of the messages, and you will not only save the souls of the blinded and lost but, also, will hasten the coming of the Kingdom in your own life and heart.

Let me come to you often, for you are the instrument that I wish to use in my new Gospel of Glad Tidings to the human race. Be true to the trust that I shall impose in you and let not the cares of the world keep you from spreading my gospel.

Come to the Love of God in a more enlarged and truthful meaning and you will be my true follower. Let me lead you to the fountainhead of all the truths which God has in store for humanity.

My own love and power will guide you and keep you in the way of Light and Truth that you may teach to your fellow man. Your own soul must be first purified, and then you will be able to show others the power and love that I have for them.

You are not to seek the help of other spirits until I teach you the truths of my Father. He is the only one who has the power to save men from their sins and errors. Be true and earnest in your work and don't let other things distract your mind from the task set before you.

The world needs a new awakening and the infidelity and unbelief of men who think themselves wise but who are foolish - as they will ultimately find out - and the material things must not fill their souls much longer or they will suffer more than they can imagine. The material needs of mankind are not the only clouds that must be lifted from their souls.

You are too weak to write more now. Yes, but I am not able to write more now because you are not in condition. You must stop writing now.

Jesus Christ

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ann Rollins Describes Her Home in the Seventh Sphere

September 28, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Grandmother.

You are too much troubled in spirit to enjoy my visit as you otherwise would, but I will try to help you to be more happy.

I am in a state of contentment and have my home in the Seventh Heaven and have all the blessings that my Father promised me when I was on earth, but I had no conception of them then.

My home is a wonderful mansion, built of the most beautiful material that you can imagine. There are flowers and beautiful pictures and lovely rooms filled with all kinds of furniture that you could possibly wish for.

I am not the only one that lives in my home, there is also a beautiful spirit that was on earth, a great follower of Christ and lover of her fellow man. Our home is full of the finest kind of everything that makes a home lovely. We have many friends who visit us and whom we visit.

We do the work of the Lord in helping the spirits in the lower spheres to see the truths of the Love of their Father. We are not singing all the time, but we have a great deal of beautiful music and laughter and love.


Your Grandmother, Ann Rollins

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jesus tells James to be a True Follower of God and He Will Teach Him the Truths of God

September 24, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Jesus.

Be of good cheer for I am with you always. Do not let your heart fear - for the Lord is your keeper, and He will be your guide and shield. Only believe and trust in Him and you will soon be Born Again into the spiritual world of His Kingdom. Let me teach you and give you the thoughts that He gave me while on earth. Let me show you that the things of this world are not the things that save the soul from sin and unhappiness. Be a true follower of your God.

It is the flowing of the Holy Spirit into the soul of a man and the disappearing of all that tended to keep it in a condition of sin and error. It is not the workings of the man's own will, but the Grace of God. It is the Love of God that passes all understanding.

You will soon experience the change, and then you will be a happy man and fit to lead others to the truths of God. Let your heart be open to the knockings of the Spirit and keep your mind free from thoughts of sin. Be a man who loves his God and his fellow man. Your love is only now of the earthly kind, but it will soon be of the things spiritual.

You must not let the cares of this world keep you from God. Let His Spirit come into your soul. Your will is the thing that determines whether you will become a child of God or not. Unless you are willing to let the Holy Spirit enter into your heart, it will not do so. Only the voluntary submission to or acceptance of the Holy Spirit will make the change.

I was the instrument in God's hands of leading men to His favor and Love. When I said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," I meant that through my teachings and example men should be able to find God. I was not God and never claimed to be. The worship of me as a God is blasphemous, and I did not teach it. I am a son of God, as you are. Do not let the teachings of men lead you to worship me as a God. I am not.

The trinity is a mistake of the writers of the Bible. There is no trinity - only one God, the Father. He is one and alone. I am His teacher of truth. The Holy Spirit is His messenger and dispenser of Love to mankind. We are only His instruments in bringing man to a union with Him. I am not the equal of my Father. He is the only true God.

I came from the spirit world to earth and took the form of man, but I did not become a God - only the son of my Father. You also lived as a spirit in that Kingdom, and took the form of man, merely as a son of your Father. You are the same as I am, except as to spiritual development, and you may become as greatly developed as myself.

I am the only son when on earth, who until then, had become bested with the Divine love of God to the extent of being wholly free from sin and error. My life was not a life of earthly pleasure or sin, but was given wholly to my Father's work. I was His only son in that light. He was my Father as I knew Him to be. He is not a spirit of form like myself or yourself.

I was born as you were born. I was the son of Mary and Joseph, and not born of the Holy Spirit as it is written in the Bible. I was only a human being as regards my birth and physical existence. The account in the New Testament is not true and was written by those who knew not what they wrote. They have done the cause of God's truths much injury. Let not your belief in that error keep you from seeing that my teachings are the truth.

Be only a believer of God and His truths and you will soon be in the Kingdom.

You will soon be able to understand, as I understand.


Jesus Christ

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Loving Message from Bright Star, A Spirit of Light and Truth, Who Has Been Redeemed by God

September 24, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Bright Star.

Yes, I know. I saw and felt that your love for your wife was so great and so pure, that I felt better, too. You certainly do love her and she loves you even more for her love is something that I have never seen surpassed. She is such a beautiful and sweet spirit that we all love her. So you must feel that you are more blessed than most men.

I am very happy, but I would like to talk to you more often than I do, as you help me so much when I come to you for you love me as a true brother and realize that I am not a mere Indian squaw, but a spirit of light and truth having been redeemed by the Love of God.

Oh my dear brother, if you only knew how I love to hear of spiritual things of my Father and not of those things which I have to listen to so much, you would think of me more often and give me many thoughts that would help me in my work. I am not one to complain, but I am also one who loves the beautiful thoughts that tell of God's love and the love of the Master and of the spirits of the higher planes.

So you see you are the only one in all the earth who knows what I am in my spiritual nature. So think of me sometimes and especially in your prayers. Yes, I know you do pray for me sometimes, and I am so grateful for they help me.

Yes I do, and if you will only sit in the dark for a little while, I believe that we will be able to talk as you suggest. I certainly will try my best, and I know that your wife and father will, and so will White Eagle, who is such a powerful spirit that we should not have any great difficulty in establishing the rapport necessary. So try tonight after you stop writing and maybe some result will follow.

Yes, I know, and it is a wonderful thing to us all. We do not understand it, but see that it is so. You are certainly blessed and you must do your work with all your strength and ability. I will try all that I know how to help you. You are not so very far behind some of our spirits who are very near the kingdom in your love for God, and I believe that if you continue to receive that Love you will have a most wonderful influence with God and also with men. The Master certainly loves you and you are his favorite one to do his work, so believe implicitly.

Be my true brother and love me as such for your love is true as I can see.

Yes, you can pray for me as I said, and give me your best thoughts. I want to get closer to God and His Heaven of love, even though I have to spend so much time in the earth plane. But thank God my duties will soon be over in that respect and then I can live more in my home higher up, where your mother lives. She is a lovely and pure spirit and is filled with God's love, so try to be like her and you will be very happy.

Tell Mr. Colburn that I was at his house last night about six o'clock and tried to impress him with my presence but I could not. He is one who is very dear to me and I want him to seek for the love, too. So tell him. And when you go to his home again, try to get the voices, for I believe that they will soon come to you all.

Yes, I do. Your father was there and called his name, and Mr. Colburn answered and your father told him that your Uncle William wanted to give you a message. Your father was actually there also.

They do not have to come there to talk to you. What can compare with the way they do talk to you. You are one of the most favored persons that I know in the way of receiving communications. The independent voices do not convey such messages as you get and cannot, for even if the spirits speaking could talk in the way that those who communicate with you write, yet there would not be power sufficient to support such extended communications. I would rather have the power of automatic writing, as it is called, than any I know of. Yes, we can say some comforting things but cannot have long communications.

Yes, she is an honest medium, or I would not sit with her. So you may rest assured of that. You do love me as such and your prayer has filled my soul with happiness. So I must go, but I will come again soon and so goodnight.

Your loving sister, Bright Star 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Confirmations to James that it was Jesus of the Bible who wrote

September 24, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Father.

Jesus, the one of the Bible. He was with you and you are the one who must feel that you are highly favored. You must believe that it was he. No, it was the true Jesus. No imposter could have written as he did.


Your father, John H. Padgett

* * * * * *

September 24, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

You were talking to Jesus. I know, for I was here, and have talked to him many times. Be of good cheer. You will soon feel the influence of his having been with you.

Your Grandmother, Ann Rollins

* * * * * *

September 24, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.


I love you, Helen

* * * * * *

September 24, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

You have my blessing. It was the Christ who was talking. He is your friend and savior.

Your Mother, Ann R. Padgett

Friday, March 16, 2012

Jesus tells James to be a True Follower of God and He Will Teach Him the Truths of God

September 24, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Jesus.

Be of good cheer for I am with you always. Do not let your heart fear - for the Lord is your keeper, and He will be your guide and shield. Only believe and trust in Him and you will soon be Born Again into the spiritual world of His Kingdom. Let me teach you and give you the thoughts that He gave me while on earth. Let me show you that the things of this world are not the things that save the soul from sin and unhappiness. Be a true follower of your God.

It is the flowing of the Holy Spirit into the soul of a man and the disappearing of all that tended to keep it in a condition of sin and error. It is not the workings of the man's own will, but the Grace of God. It is the Love of God that passes all understanding.

You will soon experience the change, and then you will be a happy man and fit to lead others to the truths of God. Let your heart be open to the knockings of the Spirit and keep your mind free from thoughts of sin. Be a man who loves his God and his fellow man. Your love is only now of the earthly kind, but it will soon be of the things spiritual.

You must not let the cares of this world keep you from God. Let His Spirit come into your soul. Your will is the thing that determines whether you will become a child of God or not. Unless you are willing to let the Holy Spirit enter into your heart, it will not do so. Only the voluntary submission to or acceptance of the Holy Spirit will make the change.

I was the instrument in God's hands of leading men to His favor and Love. When I said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," I meant that through my teachings and example men should be able to find God. I was not God and never claimed to be. The worship of me as a God is blasphemous, and I did not teach it. I am a son of God, as you are. Do not let the teachings of men lead you to worship me as a God. I am not.

The trinity is a mistake of the writers of the Bible. There is no trinity - only one God, the Father. He is one and alone. I am His teacher of truth. The Holy Spirit is His messenger and dispenser of Love to mankind. We are only His instruments in bringing man to a union with Him. I am not the equal of my Father. He is the only true God.

I came from the spirit world to earth and took the form of man, but I did not become a God - only the son of my Father. You also lived as a spirit in that Kingdom, and took the form of man, merely as a son of your Father. You are the same as I am, except as to spiritual development, and you may become as greatly developed as myself.

I am the only son when on earth, who until then, had become bested with the Divine love of God to the extent of being wholly free from sin and error. My life was not a life of earthly pleasure or sin, but was given wholly to my Father's work. I was His only son in that light. He was my Father as I knew Him to be. He is not a spirit of form like myself or yourself.

I was born as you were born. I was the son of Mary and Joseph, and not born of the Holy Spirit as it is written in the Bible. I was only a human being as regards my birth and physical existence. The account in the New Testament is not true and was written by those who knew not what they wrote. They have done the cause of God's truths much injury. Let not your belief in that error keep you from seeing that my teachings are the truth.

Be only a believer of God and His truths and you will soon be in the Kingdom.

You will soon be able to understand, as I understand.


Jesus Christ

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ann Padgett's First Message to her Son...

She Expresses Her Love For Him and That She Doesn't Believe in Hell and Eternal Damnation

September 15, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Mother.

You are the best son in the world. Yes, and you must love me more than you do. Give me more of your heart and you will feel that I am with you more. Yes, and I am very often with you. No, he is in the lower sphere, but he will soon be with me. He is progressing very fast and is a lovely spirit.

Yes, I do not believe in Hell and eternal punishment. They are the false teachings of the orthodox churches.

Jesus is the same as I believed him to be on earth. Yes, he is my saviour still, but I do not worship him as God. He is not God, but a spirit of the greatest perfection and goodness. He is with me quite often. He talked to you on Saturday night and he will come to you again very soon and explain the true teaching of the Bible. Let him be your friend and adviser.

I have a home and live with a spirit that is the same in progression as myself. We are very happy together and she is the soulmate of your father. No, I am not, but he is waiting to come here and be with the one who is. Yes, but he is not in the same sphere with me. He is in the one with your father and he is progressing, too. No, I did not and only met him when he came to the spirit world. He was living in the City of Chicago and was a very wealthy man, but a very great sinner. He is now in a state of progression and will be with me soon. Yes, but I am not his and he is not mine.

Yes, they are, but he is not with her yet. He is too earthly, but is progressing. Yes I do. She is Helen. She does and you must love her, too.

You must go to bed. Goodnight my son.

Your mother, Ann R. Padgett

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ann Rollins Describes the New Birth as the Inflowing of the Spirit of God into Your Soul

September 15, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

Yes I am, your Grandmother.

Yes, and I am in close touch with the Lord. God is a spirit. He is the one mind and spirit that teaches all other spirits that the truth is the only thing that can save from sin and error. Do not let the teachings of the Saviour become mere idle sounds in your ears. Believe in them and you will be soon in the possession of the precious and glorious jewels of the truth. Let him lead you to God. Love him and he will be with you and teach you the truths of his Father.

The New Birth is the flowing of the Spirit of God into your soul and the disappearing of all that tends to turn your heart from the truth and Love of God. It comes by the workings of the Holy Spirit that conveys the Grace of God. It is not a working of your own will or power. It is the Love of God that causes the change. You cannot of yourself change the evil workings of your heart, but you can pray and the Holy Spirit will come into your soul and then you will realize the change.

The Spirit is the power of God, which He uses to influence men to seek His Favor and Love. It is not God Himself, but only one of His instrumentalities with which He works for the salvation of mankind. Let your love for Him be the holiest and best kind that you can give to Him and pray for the Divine Love with earnest sincere prayer.

Yes, Jesus is the teacher, and the Holy Spirit is God's messenger, or instrument, that carries into the soul the Divine Love that is bestowed on the truly penitent man. Jesus is the saviour of men by his teachings and his example and the Holy Spirit is the Comforter that carries into the soul the Divine Love.

Jesus is still teaching and influencing men to turn to God. He will continue to teach until the Celestial Kingdom is closed. He will come as a still small voice that will reach men's souls and lead them to the Father. He will not come as the Adventist preach.

Jesus will come quietly into each man's heart and in that way establish the millennium. He is not going to have a kingdom all his own. He is the son of his Father and will remain in the spirit world to teach men to progress to the Heavenly planes that reach up to the presence of God. He is the most glorious spirit in all the Heavens and he is the greatest spirit under the dominion of his Father.

There is only one God. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are merely the forces which God uses to carry out His great plans for the redemption of man.

Let me stop now as I am tired.

Your Grandmother

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ann Rollins confirms that Jesus wrote and he is the True Christ of the Scriptures

September 14, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Grandmother.

I am exceedingly happy and am glad that you are seeing the truth as it is in Christ. He is the truest son of God as I have found in my life here. He is not a saviour of the merely churchman but of them who have received the New Birth of the Spirit. Do not let the thought that you must be a member of any church keep you from seeking his help and love for he is the saviour of the individual and not of the aggregate of people who happen to belong to a church.

He was with you on Saturday night and he talked to you. I am well acquainted with him and often see and converse with him, so I know that he was the true Christ of the Scriptures. He was only trying to let you feel that he is interested in your spiritual welfare, and you must believe that he was with you.

I know the spirit that Mr. Colburn referred to and he is not a good spirit. He is a spirit that has an inordinate amount of vanity and often impersonates Jesus and other spirits of high station. He is not to be believed when he makes the assertion that he is the Christ. Let him alone and he will not trouble you or your friend in the way of impersonating the true Christ.

Give my love to your friend and tell him that I am very much interested in his spiritual welfare and will try to help him and lead him to the realization of the truth as I know it in the spirit world. He is only a little way from the Kingdom and he will soon see the truth in all its beauty and purity. Tell him to have faith in his God and pray to Him for light and he will get it more abundantly. He is a very good and loving man in his spiritual life and he will soon feel that God is his true and loving saviour.

Goodnight and may the love of God rest with you and keep you from all sin and unhappiness forever.

Your grandmother, Ann Rollins

Monday, March 12, 2012

John Padgett Confirms Jesus Wrote and that he is James' Friend and Teacher of the Truths

September 14, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Father.

I am happy and so is your mother, and you are very much better spiritually than when you were a very young boy. You are commencing to see the true teachings of the Bible. Let your teachings be in Christ as he is the truth and the way and the light.

It was Jesus of the Bible that came to you on Saturday night. I know because I was with him and know it was he. He is not an imposter, as your friend thinks might come representing himself to be the true Christ, but he was Jesus of Nazareth and he was the only one in all the spirit world who has the wonderful countenance of love and truth.

He is the one true son of God that can save you and your friend from your sins. Believe in him and do not let the teachings or false statements of the other spirits cause you to have doubts as to his being the true Christ. Keep his love fresh in your hearts. He will come to you again and also to Mr. Colburn, if he will only believe and earnestly pray to him.

He is not the spirit that Mr. Colburn thinks may impersonate him. He is the true Jesus that was hanged on the cross and arose again from the dead. Be not deceived by the spirits who say that he cannot come to you or your friend. He is your friend and Saviour and he loves you both as his younger brothers. Give your love to God and he will show you the way to salvation.

Jesus is the personality that took the form of man and lived on the earth teaching the truths of God. Christ is the truths that Jesus taught, and these truths are the everlasting things that will save the human race from their sins. He is a spirit just as we are, but he is so very far above us in the spirit life and knowledge of God that we all, who believe in God, look up to him as our teacher and saviour from our sins.

Believe that he is your saviour and you will not be deceived. Let his love for you keep you in the true way to eternal life and happiness.

Goodbye and may God bless you.

Your Father

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Helen tells James she is with him all the time, that Jesus is a Luminous Spirit and warns him about the imposter Rector

September 14, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Helen.

I do with all my heart. I was and I was so happy. You must not be unhappy because I am with you all the time, and you will not be lonely if you love me as you did this morning. You are my only darling one and this is my one dear privilege of having you for myself. Be true to me and you will be happy.

Yes, the Master was with you on Saturday night and he is the only one who can help you to feel the love of God as you did.

Yes, and I heard what was said. He (Mr. Colburn) is not correct in saying that I do not know Jesus when he comes among us. He is so luminous with the love of God and the spirit of righteousness in his whole being that we all know that he is the true Christ. Do not let any doubt exist in your mind that the one who wrote to you was not Jesus. He was the true Jesus of the Bible.

Yes, and I have seen the spirit of Rector. He is not the spirit that he represents himself to be. He is a wicked spirit who goes about to deceive the mortals on earth. He is a wicked spirit who has no love for God or man, and he is trying to lead mankind to believe that he is the Christ. He will be severely punished at the time of reckoning. Yes, and I know what I am talking about, as I have been warned against him. Your grandmother, who is in one of the highest planes of the spirit world, has told me of him.

He (Jesus) is a very bright and handsome spirit. He is not the same as the picture on earth represents him to be. He is very lovely and kind and filled with love and has a face that seems to glow with the spirit of the Love of his Father. He is a most holy-looking spirit and does not know that he is a lovely one, but seems so humble and ready to serve all who need his help and love.

Yes he will, and you must believe in him and follow his advice. He wants you to become a good and pure man. He saw that you were longing to know the truth and he was anxious to help you. He saw that you were distressed and that you needed the assistance of his great love and teaching.

Tell Mr. Colburn that he must believe that Jesus is ready to come to him and show him the truth and Love of God and that he must not think that the Christ is not teaching mankind the way of truth and love. He is only hearing the cry of the penitent and the lost soul.

He will come when you earnestly call for him and will teach you the true and secret meanings of his sayings as recorded in the Bible. Only have faith and love the Father. He has told me that he is only waiting for you and your friend to call on him in faith and earnestness and he will come to you both.

Yes, and I am progressing very rapidly and will soon be in the Third Sphere. You must not wish for that now; be contented a little while and you will be with me.

No, I will wait for you and we will go together to the higher planes of love and light. We will always be together as husband and wife.

Yes, I love them and am with them very often, but they are the love mates of others. They will find their happiness in the society of these others. They will not need me after a little while, except that I shall help them to feel that their mother is watching over them and loves them as a mother. Do not let their lives be too much a part of yours as you are not the one that God decreed should be with them as their true loves forever. Let your love for them only help them to learn that they must live right and love their God.

Yes, she is in the school and is very happy and only wants to have her school commence its exercises. She loves you very much and is a true daughter and is learning the truths of Christ's teachings.

You are my dearest and only love and you will be my soulmate when you come to me in the future. Let me feel that you love me as I do you and I shall be very happy.

Yes, and I saw the book that you were reading. The last one is not helpful. Let it alone, as it is but the philosophy of a man that has a hobby, and he will not convince you of any helpful truth.

Be a true follower of Christ and you will need no other knowledge or help. Yes, and I do not agree with him as to Spiritualism or Christian Science. He is not well enough informed on either to form a correct judgment. He is too bigoted and has not a true conception of the Bible. Let him alone.

Goodnight with all my love and many kisses.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jesus Wants the World to Follow His Teachings

September 12, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.

I am here, Jesus.

God is Love and they that worship Him in spirit and love will not be forsaken.

I came to tell you that you are very near the Kingdom, only believe and pray to the Father and you will soon know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

You were hardhearted and sinful, but now that you are seeking the light, I will come to you and help you. Only believe and you will soon see the truth of my teachings. Go not in the way of the wicked for their end is punishment and long suffering. Let your love for God and your fellow man increase.

You are not in condition for further writing. I will come to you again when you are stronger.

Yes, it is Jesus and I want the world to follow the teachings of my words.

Goodbye and may the Holy Spirit bless you as I do.

Jesus Christ

Confirmations that Jesus Wrote

September 12, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.

I am here, Helen.

Yes, I am here and I love to be with you.

(Who last wrote to me?)

The savior of men. He was with you and I was so glad as I feel that you will now believe that I am in the spirit world and in the Love of God. He is the lord who came down from Heaven to save men. Let his love for you help you to become a more spiritual man.

God will bless you in all your doings.

Goodnight, Helen

* * * * * *

September 12, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

Yes, I am here, your Father.

Yes, it is true. He was with you and you will soon learn much more from him as he says that he will teach you the truth and the light and the way.

Love God and keep His commandments. Let your heart be open to the Divine teachings of the Master. He will not show you all the love he has for you, but will let you feel that he is your loving friend and savior, because he loves you and believes that you may be of some benefit to the world.

Yes, he was the real Jesus of the Bible.

He is not in the Heavens and sitting on the right hand of the Father, but is among all mankind and still teaching them the power of Love and truth. He does not need the worship of men, but all that he wants is their love and happiness.

He is not the savior of the few but of all who will ask him to help them. Let your love for God increase and you will not be unhappy or cast down.


Your father, John H. Padgett

* * * * * *

September 12, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

Give your heart to the Lord and He will bless you as you will soon realize.

He did and he will come to you again soon. He is waiting to tell you of the truths that he is longing to have you know. He is not going to let you feel that he is away up in the Heavens far beyond the reach of men but is with them all the time working and trying to save them from their sins.

Let your love for God and His truths keep you from unbelief and doubt. Be a true seeker after the knowledge that is in Christ, and you will not be long in doubt as to which is the way to eternal happiness. Keep trying to find the truth.

He told me that he would come to you so that you might not doubt any longer, and he is not going to leave you again as he did some years ago when your heart was hard and sinful.

You must believe that he came to you. He is no other than Jesus of the Bible.

I will love and help you at all times.

Your Grandmother, Ann Rollins

Friday, March 9, 2012

John Padgett Writes to his Son and Tells James About the Spirit Band That Will Be There to Protect Him

May 31, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your Father.

Yes, I am, and I will try to tell you what you must do to form a band of spirit workers. Let me select them, and then you will not be troubled by bad spirits. You must not try to talk to every one who may come to you for that will work injury to you and you will not be able to get the best results.

Let me tell you who you should have form the band: your grandmother, your mother, Helen, Professor Salyards, Mr. Riddle, and myself. These are enough to help you in the investigation of spiritualism.

Yes, I will have them come, and you can ask them. Yes, I will, and you will be a successful medium, and will not need to go to the séances where you went on Friday night, as they are not helpful to you in the way of progressing in your investigations.

Yes, I am. I certainly will, and you will not be troubled by bad spirits, for your father and grandmother will keep them away from you.

Yes, I am, and I will be one of the band to help you. You will be my mouthpiece in my writing to the world the thoughts that I desire to make known on subjects that are of interest to mankind. Keep well and I will soon let you write my ideas of this life and of what I find to be the real truth of the Love of God and the love of mankind.

Yes. I am not in condition tonight, as you are too weak to write much more. Yes, I will show my face in the photograph, and then you will know that I am one of your band.

Yes, I am, and I will be one of the band. You will not be annoyed by any others than the ones your father has named. I will write you what my beliefs and thoughts are of the life here so that you may know that I am just a spirit in search of the truth. You will see that I am not one who knows everything, but will try to learn whatever is possible and will tell you what I learn. Yes, and will let you see that I have my mustache and goatee just as in my earthly life.

Yes. You can go to the photographer as soon as you find it convenient and we will be there, and you will see us all. I will be in my naval uniform and then you will be convinced that I am living.

He is not of the spiritual kind that will be helpful to you, and I do not think it wise for him to join. He is too much of the earthy yet, but will soon progress, and then we may have him join.

Go to bed and rest.

Your father, John H. Padgett

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Helen's First Saved Message to Her Husband and Soulmate

May 31, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Helen.

Yes, I love you and you know it. Come to bed and I will let you feel my arms around your neck and will hug you and put you to sleep so that you will feel better in the morning.

Yes, I was. I did not think much of the address of the woman from India, because it did not tell of what the Love of God is to the lost souls of man. You were not benefited much by it, as you were very lonely and needed the Love of God to be preached. The other address was better, but it does not tell the way to truth and light that the Bible does. Be a Christian and love the God of the Bible and ...

Yes I am, and you know that I am in the spirit world. I can see that the things taught are the truth, for I am not in the flesh and am not bound by the limitations of the flesh as I was when alive.

Yes, and I am trying to help you all that I can. Yes, you do and I will continue to help if you will let me.

Yes, I look upon him as a man of God, not as God Himself. He is the one that should be your guide and friend. He is a very bright spirit and is far up in the Heavens and is close to God. He does come to us sometimes, and keeps us in holy rapport with the Father. He is the loveliest of all the spirits in the Heavens. He is not angry with you, for he loves you with his whole heart, and will do everything to help you.

Yes, I am, but I am not in the Heavens yet, but I will soon be and then you will learn much more from me.

He is getting better. He is beginning to see that this life is not for the Christians who have not the Love of God in their hearts, but for those who love God with all their hearts and souls. He did not love God truly; he put too much faith in the literal words of the Bible, but did not have the spiritual love that he should have had.

She is progressing, too.

Your father is in the Heavens and is a bright and shining spirit and is your Guardian Angel. He is with you very much and he will help you to progress and to become a more spiritual man.

Your mother is far up in the Heavens, and she is with you often and is trying to help you also. She is an exceeding bright spirit and is very strong and is filled with the Holy Spirit to a very high degree. She is one of the brightest spirits that I know. She comes to me often and helps me progress.

Yes, she is too pure and holy to come to me very often, but she is much interested in you and will come to you when you write sometimes. She says she will tell you of the life in the higher spheres, and also will come to you when you sit for a photograph, in her illumined form, so that you may see that she is living and is part of the Kingdom of God. She is the brightest spirit that I know. She is a very strong and powerful spirit and will not let you be bothered by the evil spirits, or those who try to impersonate those spirits who are here and try to talk to you. She is here now and wants me to say that she is the loving grandmother that she always was, and will love you with her whole heart and ...

He is not with her in the high Heavens, but he is a very bright spirit, and he loves you, too.

Yes, they are in the Heavens. Their love was so pure and holy that they went to the Heavens of holy love. They are not ...

Yes I am, and must stop.

Goodnight, Helen