Sunday, January 6, 2013

Saleeba Writes That Her Soul is Filled with Divine Love and She is Going to Tell Her People to Seek For It

October 8, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, Saleeba.

I want to say only a few words that you may know how happy I am and how much my soul is filled with this Divine Love of which you first told me. Oh, my friend, it is difficult to keep from shouting the fact that I am a redeemed child of the Father, and one who knows that His Love is mine, and that I shall live through all eternity enjoying the happiness, which His Love and mercy have given me.

I intended to keep my promise and tell you of my life on earth many thousand years ago, and so I will sometime, but now I am so happy in this great possession that I cannot think of those earthly things in such a way as to relate to you my experience as a mortal. Wait a little while and I will try to describe to you all the things of my earth life that may be of interest to you.

I will go very soon now to my people and tell them what I have found and urge them to seek for it, and I trust that they will follow my advice. There are many of them that are good and pure spirits, with a natural love in such a state that they are very happy and contented and, yet, when I realize the great difference in the happiness that is theirs, and that which may be theirs, I cannot refrain from going to them and telling them of it.

I know that you are glad that I am happy and are interested in my progress and, hence, I love to come and let you know what my condition is. I will not write more tonight. So believe that I love you as a sister and pray for you and ask the Father to make you happy and fill your soul with His Love and bless you. Goodnight.

Your sister,

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