Thursday, August 1, 2013

Helen Writes a Note of Love and Encouragement to Her Soulmate, James E. Padgett

May 29, 1916
Received by James Padgett
Washington, D.C.

I am here, your own true and loving, Helen.

Well sweetheart, you have had some very important messages tonight and the Master says that you have received them in a very accurate and satisfactory manner and that they need very little correction.

I am so glad that you are in such good condition tonight and that your soul is so filled with the Love of the Father. It has been a happy day for you and for me, too, for I have been with you a great part of the day and entered into your happiness and also the thoughts that you have had as to the Spirit World and the joys of the redeemed.

I was with you at Mr. Morgan's and you did him much good by your conversation and the influence which you cast over him for I must tell you that there were present many spirits of the high kind that were interested in your conversation and influenced your thoughts of things spiritual. The music at the church was very inspiring and I enjoyed your thoughts of Love for the Father and the Master as well as for myself.

They were present also, your mother and grandmother, and they were happy in seeing that your thoughts were turned towards the higher things of life and they were impressing you with their loving thoughts and trying to make you realize their presence.

Pray more to the Father and you will find that another sensation of love will come to you and faith and joy. Love me, too, for I love you with all my heart and soul and long to have you know that I am your own loving soulmate who will be yours through all eternity.

Well, you have written enough for tonight and are tired. I will be with you in your sleep and will try to carry you with me and let you realize my love.

Oh my Ned, how I love you tonight and how dear you are to me and how I long for the time to come when you will be with me in my home. So sweetheart, love me and think of me and believe that in all God's universe, there is no one that loves you as does your own true soulmate. So kiss me good night and say that you love me. Yes, I am yours now and always. Good night and God bless you.

Your own true and loving,

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