Friday, August 17, 2012

Confirmations of St. Andrews' Message by St. Peter, St. John, St. James, St. Jerome, St. Anthony and Helen

July 17, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.

I am here, St. Peter.

I come for the same reasons that Andrew came, and I want to add my testimony to his that you are the true selection of the Master to do his work, and that he is with you very often writing to you and bestowing upon you his love and blessings. You must believe and let not doubt enter your mind or keep you from fully believing that the Master is your friend and brother and is with you in your times of worry and gloom.

I am a spirit, who once, when on earth had great doubts as to the Master's sacred mission, and as to his being the true son of the Father, but these doubts left me when I saw the greatness of his person and the wonderful Love of the Father, which possessed him. You will remember that I even denied him - that is, that I knew him as a mere man - and what anguish and suffering that denial gave me. So you must not doubt or deny him.

I know now beyond all question of doubt that he is the true Master and the true son of God, and the only one in all God's universe that has the Divine Love of the Father to such an extent as makes him almost like the Father in goodness and wisdom. He is your friend and saviour, and even more he is your brother and companion in this great work, which he is doing for the salvation of mankind.

I, Peter, tell you this, and I tell you it with all the authority and faith, and more knowledge than I had when I declared him to be the only and true Divine son of God, and you must believe what I say.

So let no more doubt or fear that you are not the Master's instrument selected by him and confirmed by his love and grace to do this great work. I, Peter, declare it, and I know what I declare, and say it with all the authority that knowledge gives me.

All the followers of the Master are interested in this work and in you, and we are now forming our band, which shall guide and instruct you in all these truths, which only we of the higher heavens know. I do not mean that we will supersede your present band, but we will work in conjunction with them, and you will receive many messages from us as time goes on, and you will believe that we write them to you.

You have more power of the spirit world being exercised in your behalf than has any other mortal; and with the exercise of this power there will come to you a power that no mortal has ever had since the days when we lived on earth. So you must have more faith, and to get it you must pray to the Father more and more.

I have written enough for tonight and must stop. But let me again insist that you pray to the Father and ask for more faith.

I am your brother and friend, St. Peter (The Rock)

* * * * *

I am here, St. John, your friend and brother, and at-one with God and a follower of the Master.

So you must believe what the Master promised you for he will not fail you. I must not write more tonight, but will stop and say that you have my love and best wishes for your success. So believe in what we write, and you will realize the results of our promises. So with my love and blessings,

I am your friend and brother,
John the Apostle

* * * * *

Let me add my testimony to what the others have written.

I am also a follower of the Master and was with him in his travels through Palestine, and was with him when he was crucified on the cross, and saw the great manifestations of God and the doom of evil, and the principalities of the air, as St. Paul describes them. I was a true follower of the Master on earth, and a true one in the spirit world. He is now the Prince of Peace in its truest sense. His love for humanity is so great that we, even though we are his true lovers and very close to him, cannot comprehend it.

So you must believe in him and in the fact that he has chosen you to do his Great Work. Believe and work and you will see the salvation of the Father manifest itself as never before. You have working with you all the powers of the Kingdom of Jesus and nothing will be able to withstand such powers. And Love, the Divine Love of the Father, will enter into many a soul and make it an inhabitant of the Kingdom through this Great Work.

I will not write more tonight but as Peter said he will be with you often in love and sympathy, and will write you of the truths of the Heavenly Kingdom. So with all my love and blessings,

I am your own true brother and friend,
St. James, an apostle of Jesus.

* * * * *

I am also a brother spirit and want to tell you that the wonderful messages that you have received tonight are true, and were written by the spirits professing to write them and that you must not doubt. So believe and you will receive the greatest of all blessings, the Divine Love of the Father.

I will not write more at this time, but will come again and tell you of things no mortal has ever heard of or conceived.

I am your brother and friend,
St. Jerome, the writer and commentator of the Bible

* * * * *

I am your brother and friend in Christ and in the Love of the Father. I am a man who was a follower of the Master when on earth and a follower of him in the spirit world; I mean in the Heavenly Kingdom, and I am a lover of God and a part of His Divinity.

I was not one of his apostles, but I loved him and believed in him, and died in his cause and am now receiving my reward, for I am now, as I say, an inhabitant of his Heavenly Kingdom; and immortality is mine as it will be yours if you continue to believe in him and get the Divine Love of the Father in increased abundance.

So let me tell you that not every man has bestowed upon him the great favor, which the Master has bestowed upon you. No other mortal, at this time, has that great blessing of love and selection that he has given to, and made of you. The others have told you of this wonderful Love and power and blessings that have been and will be bestowed upon you. So I will stop now and say that I am,

Your brother and friend,
St. Anthony, as the world calls me

* * * * *

I am here, Helen

Well, sweetheart, you have received tonight wonderful messages from wonderful spirits and I hardly know what to say. It almost overwhelms me to see the great spirits of the Kingdom of Jesus come to you and write such messages. It seem to me that they are all interested in your work to such an extent that they feel that every one of them must come to you and bring the Great Love and power which they possess and give it to you.

It is so wonderful and astonishing that I can scarcely conceive that it is true. I did not think that you would ever be so favored in your life on earth, but now I see that you will have a work to do that no other mortal has ever had. And to think, that you are my Ned and a mere man.

So I thank God for His great goodness to you, and also the Master for having chosen you as his disciple to do this great work. We are praising God and thanking Him for His mercy towards you.

I cannot write more tonight as I want to think of it all. Only believe and you will see what a wonderful spirit the Master is and how much he loves you. So sweetheart, I will say goodnight.

Your own true loving,

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